"Social differences among the deceased - poor, rich, beggars, kings - and the forms of remembrance are one aspect, the other being that death makes no distinctions." - (Peter Gülke). As part of my doctoral research at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, I am investigating the function and affectivity of music in transcultural mourning processes.
My dissertation project is situated at the transdisciplinary intersection of musicology (music sociology), qualitative social research, and thanatology. It addresses the question of the function and affectivity of music in transcultural mourning processes. This raises the question: How does transculturality serve as a framework for examining the various cultural practices surrounding "music," additionally linked to the cultural practice of "mourning" and thus to the intersection of "society"? At the core of the methodological approach is the theory-building from qualitative research findings of narrative-biographical interviews, which focus on the individual attribution of meaning to music, or the applied understanding of music in contexts of mourning within the framework of subjective, postmortal mourning processes. By selecting participants of Near Eastern origin, particular attention is given to the significance of music in transcultural mourning processes primarily influenced by the Muslim faith, as well as the question of delimiting traditional, collective dimensions of mourning and equally their reformation. The integration of insights from musicology, qualitative social research, and thanatosociology opens up new avenues for transdisciplinary music research that goes beyond the normative understanding of funeral music and aims to provide space for the individual expressions of transcultural mourning processes in the 21st century.
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